Use "purgatory|purgatories" in a sentence

1. Purgatory.

2. It's Purgatory.

3. We're in Purgatory?

4. Earth is purgatory.

5. Alone in Purgatory.

6. Purgatory was pure.

7. You were in Purgatory?

8. But purgatory, torture, hell itself.

9. First rule of Purgatory, kid.

10. With the hot water of purgatory.

11. McCree suffered in an employment purgatory.

12. Souls are so purified in purgatory.

13. a purgatory of drug abuse.

14. Their ideas of hell resemble Catholicism’s purgatory.

15. Can we help the souls in Purgatory?

16. Cleansing in Purgatory is necessary for such people.

17. To this scenario Catholicism adds Limbo and purgatory.

18. Prayers were said for souls in Purgatory.

19. Every step of the last three miles was purgatory.

20. Taoist rites, said to release a soul from purgatory

21. Catholic rites, said to aid souls in purgatory

22. Sewing is relaxation for some, purgatory for others.

23. She fearlessly surrendered her bitter spirit unto purgatory.

24. Getting up at four o'clock every morning is sheer purgatory.

25. Sewing is relaxation for some[Sentence dictionary], purgatory for others.

26. This was purgatory, worse than anything she'd faced in her life.

27. On some, the soul in purgatory peeps from a bowl of flame.

28. Standing too close to exploding Dick sends your ass straight to Purgatory.

29. For me it was just a transfer from one purgatory to another.

30. Are we supposed to help them get out of some terrible purgatory?

31. Marriage , with peace , is this world's paradise; with strife, this world's purgatory.

32. He's so impatient that waiting in a queue is sheer purgatory for him!

33. Cantyplax Annihilated purgatory, or CAP for short, is a super buff of ZAP

34. Historically, belief in Limbo resulted from 12th-century theological debates relative to purgatory.

35. Is either purgatory or a fiery hell taught anywhere in the Bible?

36. They rejected Catholic doctrine regarding the use of images and belief in purgatory.

37. In stark contrast to such kindness and understanding was my purgatory at work.

38. The island was turned into a purgatory for slaves before they were sold.

39. Some fear that their soul might go to a fiery hell or to purgatory.

40. ‘Wynonna Earp’ Stars on Being Tempted by Love, Kicking Chickens and More Purgatory Craziness

41. The immortality of the soul, the Trinity, purgatory, and a hellfire to torment people eternally.

42. Tyndale likewise held to the word “resurrection,” rejecting purgatory and consciousness after death as unbiblical.

43. Christina believed she was released from the afterlife to pray for the souls in purgatory.

44. She landed on the altar and spoke of her journey through heaven, hell, purgatory, and back.

45. Perhaps it's better for one to die alone than, to live life in eternal purgatory.

46. A more subtle refinement of that teaching is the temporary suffering in the fires of purgatory.

47. Charge of a gold ingot to have 2 hours of purgatory is also a good time!

48. 9 The idea of being marooned at Balmoral for months on end is her vision of purgatory.

49. Although Protestant Reformers took issue with the teaching of purgatory, they accepted the idea of eternal punishment or reward.

50. The agonies she endured never satisfied her insatiable thirst to suffer for sinners and for the souls in Purgatory.

51. No one is ever censured by the church for trying to buy his or someone else’s way out of purgatory.

52. At a distance, the figures of Lucier and Izzie stood like souls in purgatory, chest-deep in the seething vapour.

53. This is the Orphic [pagan Greek] and Virgilian [pagan Roman] doctrine of Purgatory: there is not a word about it in the Gospels. . . .

54. Other than that, not much is known about this tower, other than it being a (joke??) version and buff of Zalgo Annihilated Purgatory

55. According to Catholic teaching, purgatory is a place of temporary punishment to purify the soul before it can gain admittance to heaven.

56. Those in purgatory, on the other hand, are said to attain to heavenly bliss only after a fiery purging of their sins.

57. If you like Assot, you may also like: The Lighthouse (Death Metal) by EYE OF PURGATORY (Sweden) featured on Bandcamp Radio Jun 11, 2021

58. Some other myths alien to Christianity that also gradually developed were: the inherent immortality of the human soul, purgatory, Limbo, and eternal torment in hellfire.

59. The Greeks even invented a Limbo, the abode of children who had died in infancy, and a Purgatory, where a certain mild chastisement purified souls.”

60. The aura of mystery that surrounds the “afterlife,” whether said to be in heaven, purgatory, or a place of eternal torment, provides no true comfort.

61. St. Patrick's Purgatory would be a likely destination for these penitential pilgrims, or exiles, since communities of anchorites were often considered to have special power to absolve them.

62. Seven-in-ten Atheists and agnostics know that Catholicism teaches that purgatory is the place where souls are purified before entering heaven – about the same share as Catholics who

63. After the protestant Reformation British churches no longer allowed prayers for souls in purgatory, so All Hallows Eve lost most of its associations with the spirits of the dead.

64. Again, "I can not finde a place that of it selfe more properly Confuteth this phantasticall Purgatory," says Frith of II Maccabees xii.44, "then doth this 9See Wilson, Arte, pp

65. This festival is based on the belief that the souls of the dead can be aided in getting out of purgatory to reach heaven by the prayers and alms-deeds of the faithful on earth.

66. Play as ‘Arum’, a brave girl that has entered the realm of the afterlife in search of her father’s soul and guide her through the '8 Doors of Purgatory' to solve the mysteries that lie deep within.

67. These indulgences, given in return for money payments, almsgiving or other kinds of offerings, provide that one’s own soul or the soul of a deceased relative or friend be spared all or part of its destined punishment in purgatory. . . .

68. Mana Zone Full Release: Fire Magic: Calidus Brachium Purgatory: Abyss 「マナゾーン全開 炎魔法『灼熱腕(カリドゥス・ブラキウム)』煉獄・深淵 Manazōn Zenkai Honō Mahō "Karidusu Burakiumu" Rengoku Shin'en」 is a Fire Magic spell

69. Either they hold that Scripture gives room for several opposite theories; or they lean to Universalism, and secretly teach men to trust in future purgatories; or they wholly repudiate and openly denounce and Assail the old missionary doctrine, and believe that they who have 'sinned without law,’ and led impenitent lives under heathen darkness

70. The husband, Bethinking him of what the Holy Souls had done for his boy, again ran to the church and promised to distribute 200 of the books on Purgatory, begging in exchange the urgent succor of the Holy Souls